JP was fortunate to be invited the very 1st month Linkedin was launched. JP was part of most all the programs and projects as LinkedIn grew. He was a founding member of the LinkedIn advisory council. This is a group of season users that LinkedIn taps monthly for insights, betas, conferences and more to get an understanding of what Linkedin users are experiencing.
JP was part of the original LinkedIn community group. Linkedin does not have a customer service operation. Sales Navigator and Recruiter do. This group helped answer questions and post to community boards to help users navigate the complexities of using LinkedIn.
JP has been a part of every beta program LinkedIn has launched. Of which just a handful of programs were actually put into use. This has given JP a unique opportunity to see how LinkedIn works in ways most people have never had the chance to see.
JAC Consulting has worked with 1000's of businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, political consultants and political campaigns across the globe. Better use of technology has always been what we strive for. To keep pushing forward in all aspects of our services.
JP started JAC Consulting 19 years ago after working in corporate America and seeing his efforts and achievements hardly recognized. JP saw the opportunity of being his own boss the way in which his endless ideas, his desire to keep improving his company and hard work would show its own rewards.
JAC has seen a few twists and turns in 19 years but with innovation and determination the company has kept pushing the envelope to bring quality services to both the business and political world.
JAC has a keen insight into what's coming and has blazed a path into the digital marketing world that leaves clients asking over and over again, "How can you do this?"
JP is a father of 2 sons, he has coached youth football for 12 years. He lives his life as a model for his sons to emulate stressing above all else honesty, loyalty, integrity and love for America.
JAC Consulting continues to strive for excellence in Digital Marketing with integrity always.
Digital Marketing Advisory Member
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Center for Professional Education & Life Long Learning Digital Marketing Advisory Member

JP Van Dyke